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Exchange and gold rates

Exchange Rates Archive


ISO (Code) Unit CB Rate Cash Non-Cash
GEL 1 - 131 153 133 153
USD 1 387.50 384.5 390 384.5 389.5
EUR 1 433.50 426 438 426 436
GBP 1 517.97 508 527 510 523
RUB 1 4.20 3.86 4.31 4.06 4.32
AUD 1 266.52 251 271 259 271
CAD 1 288.47 275 291 283 291
JPY 10 - 26.4 27.1
CHF 1 456.26 439 464 447 464
CNY 1 55.15 52 59
AED 1 105.51 97 116

on-cash gold

gram 32570 33704

Standardized gold bar (fineness 999.9)

Unit (gram) Price for gold bar (AMD)
5 217,390.00
10 431,410.00
20 856,070.00
50 2,106,480.00
100 4,145,550.00
1000 34,714,800.00
      At certain branches, card systems and electronic exchange devices the Bank might set exchange rates different from those specified herein. You can get information about the exchange rates applied at the respective branches, card systems and electronic exchange devices from the Bank`s call center or by visiting the branch.