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Functions of state agencies’ service offices

The Bank, being an operator authorized by the RA Government, implements the functions delegated by the state agencies

*The below-mentioned services are provided by "Kilikia" and "Nor Nork" branches of the Bank

Tariffs of the services provided by the offices of the State Register Agency of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the RA1

  Services   Commission fee  
 1.  Registration of legal entities’ liquidation process and liquidation AMD 1.500




  • Registration of all commercial legal entities, community and state non-commercial organizations, registration of changes, or rejection of registration
  • State records of separated units of the legal entities mentioned in this clause, state registration of changes and rejection of state records
  • Recording revocation of registration of separated units and institutions of the legal entities mentioned in this clause or rejection of such registration



AMD 1.500


 3.  State record of private entrepreneurs and rejection of state records  AMD 1.500
 4.  State registration connected with reconstruction of legal entities or rejection of state registration  AMD 1.500
 5.  State records connected with reconstruction of separated units and institutions of legal entities or rejection of state records  AMD 1.500
 6.  Provision of the complete information from the common state register  AMD 1.500
7. Copying documents and provision of copies, including provision of a copy of the legal entity’s charter on paper AMD 1.500
8. Provision of information regarding registration of the rights towards movable property AMD 1.000

Within the framework of implementation of outsourced functions of the State Register Agency of Legal Entities of the Staff of the Ministry of Justice of the RA, a special price proposal is offered to joint stock companies having state registration, for equity securities registration services provided by "Capital Investments" CJSC.

Services and tariffs for the services offered by the state management republican body that maintains the unified state cadaster of real estate authorized by the Government of the RA

  Services   Commission fee  
 1.  State registration of rights for real estate AMD 1.500
2. Provision of information regarding state registration of rights and restrictions for real estate AMD 1.500

The commission fees for the services include the commission fee for transfer of the respective state duty for such services, if the state duty is paid via "Converse Bank" CJSC.

Within the framework of provision of the mentioned services, the Bank implements the following functions:

  •  identifies the applicant;
  • ensures charging of the state duty intended for the services of provided by the state agencies’ service offices and other fees prescribed by the law;
  • provides for acceptance of the documents necessary for the provided services, their transportation and delivery to the respective authority;
  • in case if the application and the list of documents attached to it is not complete, offers the applicant to submit the missing documents;
  • if necessary, provides consultancy to the applicant in order to ensure the complete acceptance, transportation and delivery of the documents;
  • ensures handover of the act adopted in the result of administration procedures, as well as other documents, to the applicant.

List of documents specified by the legislation:

In the part of the agency’s functions:

  • For state registration of legal entities, state registration of changes related to legal entities, state registration connected with reconstruction of legal entities, for state registration of liquidation of legal entities2 - the documents specified by chapters 7-11 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Recording of Separated Units and Institutions of Legal Entities, and Private Entrepreneurs";
  • For recording of separated units and institutions of legal entities, making changes in the record data and revocation of records2 - the documents specified by chapter 12 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Recording of Separated Units and Institutions of Legal Entities, and Private Entrepreneurs";
  • For state recording of private entrepreneurs, making changes in the information regarding private entrepreneurs2 - the documents specified by chapter 6 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Recording of Separated Units and Institutions of Legal Entities, and Private Entrepreneurs";
  • The specifics of provision of the information recorded in the common state register and the respective documents are specified in chapter 13 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Recording of Separated Units and Institutions of Legal Entities, and Private Entrepreneurs";
  • For provision of information on registration of rights towards movable property - the documents specified by resolution No. 633-N of the Government of the RA dated June 10, 2015 "On Approval of the Procedure of Providing Information and Statements from the Register of Rights towards Movable Property".

2 The requirements towards the specified documents are defined by articles 14-17 of the RA Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Recording of Separated Units and Institutions of Legal Entities, and Private Entrepreneurs".