Hot Line +37410 511 211



Please be informed that from now on Converse Bank will service also MasterCard and Cirrus/Maestro types of cards in the network of the Bank's merchant/service and encashment locations.

: 17.12.2009

New tariffs for cards have been put into operation in favour of cardholders

"Converse Bank" CJSC has reviewed tariffs of card issuance, stating more available prices.

: 09.11.2009


: 22.10.2009

Servicing of VISA International Cards through Joint ATM with "BTA-Bank"

Please be informed that since 23.09.2009 "Converse Bank" CJSC has activated servicing of VISA international cards through joint ATM with "BTA-Bank" CJSC.

: 24.09.2009

Service of VISA International Cards in "Converse Bank" and "BTA Bank" Joint ATM

Please be informed that "Converse Bank" CJSC has activated the service of VISA international cards in the ATM of "BTA Bank"

: 10.09.2009


The number of ATMs of "Converse Bank" CJSC has grown in one more ATM.

: 26.08.2009