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Converse Bank launches SUPER CHANCE MasterCard Action with MasterCard International Payment System


From February 15 till July 15 "Converse Bank" C.J.S.C. helds SUPER CHANCE MASTERCARD action jointly with MasterCardInternational Payment System.

The action is directed to promote utilizaion of Converse Bank's MasterCards. Within the framework of the action MasterCard debit /Cirrus/Maestro ¨ MasterCard Standard/ and credit /MasterCard Standard ¨ Gold/ cards will be issued under 6 months of free service condition, after which payment cards will be served according to tariffs and rates effective in the Bank. VISA and ArCa cardholders, who will submit an application to receive MasterCard payment cards at their card accounts, will not pay the service charge for the affixed card during 6 months, following which will be implemented all tariffs and rates established in the Bank for subject cards.

By the end of the action among 300 most active cardholders, who register the largest payments with their MasterCards, will be held a lottery with pleasant gifts and surprises /household appliances, etc/.

Please be advised that Converse Bank's membership to MasterCard International Payment System as lssuer and Acquirer in the status of Armenian Card cjsc affiliate member was approved in September of the previous year. Starting from December 1, 2009 acquires and serves Cirrus/Maestro, MasterCard Standard and MasterCard Gold ards in ATMs, POS-terminals of the Bank and branches, as well as in the trade points of the Bank.

All the mentioned cards enable the cardholders to collect cash, do non-cash shopping, make utility payments, acquire prepaid cards at about 28 million ATMs, branches of banks and trade points all over the world, as well as do internet /online/ shopping, register virtual cards in, order hotel rooms via internet.

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